Veysi Taner AYKAÇ / Deputy Chairman

Born in 1963, V. Taner Aykaç completed his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Agriculture of Ankara University and later got his MBA at the Université libre de Bruxelles-Solvay Business School. Aykaç also received advanced trainings in time management, leadership, agricultural business, and marketing at Ashridge College, INSEAD, and Harvard Business School.

Taner Aykaç’s career took off as an R&D Agriculture Specialist in seeds at the Dupont/Pioneer Overseas Corporation, after which he worked at different production management levels in the USA, Egypt and Sudan operations of the same company. In 1993, Aykaç assumed the Marketing Manager position at Rhône-Poulenc Turkey, followed by the Marketing and Sales Director positions at Ciba-Geigy and Novartis, and the Managing Director position at Zeneca. In 2001, Aykaç was appointed the CEO of Syngenta Turkey, and later undertook the European and EAME Regional Director positions of the same company’s headquarters in Basel.

Following his return to Turkey in 2011, Taner Aykaç acted as the CEO and a Board Member of Çimentaş. In the following period, he held different posts at the Rome headquarters of Cementir Holding, the parent company of Çimentaş, including the Head of Holding Integration, the Regional President of Benelux and France and CEO, and the Regional President of Eastern Mediterranean Countries and CEO. In 2019, Taner Aykaç was selected as the Global CEO of Dutch OYAK TCC Holding, headquartered in the Netherlands.