Toros Tarım Acquires Full Ownership of Gönen Renewable Energy

Accelerating its efforts toward sustainability in the fertilizer industry, Toros Tarım solidified its ownership by acquiring the remaining 30% stake of Gönen Yenilenebilir Enerji Üretim A.Ş. (Gönen Renewable Energy), building on the 70% share it acquired in 2019.

To bolster its position in the organic and organomineral fertilizer markets with a green and circular economy approach, Toros Tarım acquired the remaining 30% stake of Gönen Renewable Energy from Altaca Çevre Teknolojileri ve Enerji Üretim A.Ş., supplementing the 70% previously purchased in 2019. This transaction, finalized during a ceremony on March 1, 2024, established Toros Tarım as the sole owner of the company.

Biogas and electricity from biogas are generated from plant and animal organic waste at Gönen Renewable Energy’s facility in Balıkesir-Gönen and at the advanced technology facilities of its subsidiary, Meram Renewable Energy, located in Konya-Meram. These facilities also produce solid and liquid organic fertilizers. Toros Tarım, having introduced its initial organomineral fertilizer varieties to the market in 2017, evaluates its investments in organic and organomineral fertilizers not only based on their commercial potential but also as a means to contribute to the sustainability of the country’s agriculture sector.

At the ceremony commemorating the share transfer, Tekfen Group Companies President Hakan Göral emphasized that Gönen and Meram facilities boast a total installed electrical power capacity of 9.62 megawatts. He stated, “With this acquisition, we will certainly make much faster progress in these facilities, which currently possess an annual organomineral fertilizer production capacity of 110 thousand tons. We also anticipate improvements in operational and managerial efficiency. Remaining steadfast in our commitment to sustainability and creating social value, we persist in collaborating with our farmers, as we have over the past 50 years, to elevate Turkish agriculture to greater heights”.

Furthermore, this acquisition will augment the market share of organic and organomineral fertilizer production and sales in Toros Tarım’s product portfolio, facilitating investments that promote the utilization of biological waste outputs as inputs for a circular green economy.

Toros Tarım boasts an electrical energy production capacity of 30 megawatts in its Samsun facilities and 7 megawatts in its Mersin facilities, utilizing waste heat. These investments contribute positively to the circular economy model by enhancing resource efficiency and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.