Toros Agri R&D Center Wins the “SHEN Best Researcher” Award

R&D Specialist Cemre Avşar was deemed worthy of the “Best Researcher” award at the SHEN Science, Health and Engineering Awards, with the review article prepared with the contribution of the Toros Agri R&D Center team.

Toros Agri pioneers the fertilizer industry with its R&D studies and academic publications. In this process, Toros Agri R&D Center continues to crown its achievements with awards. The last example of such achievement is Cemre Avşar, an expert at Toros Agri R&D Center. Avşar received the “Best Researcher” award at the SHEN International Science, Health and Engineering Awards, in recognition of the support she gave to the article published in the Environmental Technology Reviews Journal of Taylor & Francis, one of the most prestigious publishing houses in the world.

Toros Agri R&D Center’s contributions to the literature for a sustainable future

Within the scope of its fields of activity, Toros Agri gives priority to waste management within the framework of sustainability concepts such as the Green Deal and Circular Economy. In this context, Toros Agri R&D Center contributes to the literature with its works on environmental issues such as reducing CO2 emissions and using industrial wastes as a secondary raw material source.

The academic studies carried out are in fact the basis of Toros Agri’s R&D activities. The review article, titled “Focusing on the Merseburg Process: Benefits on Industrial Decarbonization and Waste Minimization”, prepared with the contributions of Cemre Avşar, Didem Tümük, Ahmet Ozan Gezerman from the Toros Agri R&D Center team and Abdullah Emre Yüzbaşıoğlu from the Strategy and Business Development Department was published in the “Environmental Technology Reviews” Journal of Taylor & Francis, which is considered one of the most prestigious publishing houses in its field.

The article, which addresses current environmental issues such as the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and industrial waste management, won the appreciation of the SHEN International Science, Health and Engineering Awards organization, which is organized to celebrate the achievements of researchers and encourage new studies. Cemre Avşar, one of the authors of the article, was recommended as a candidate in the “Best Researcher” category by the scientific committee of the organization, which is known for its prestige in the international arena. As a result of the evaluation, Avşar was deemed worthy of the “Best Researcher” award in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Waste Management sub-category.

“The award will encourage new achievements”

Nermin Aka, Deputy General Manager for Research Planning and Coordination at Toros Agri, emphasized that their goal is to advance the industry with their research and development activities, stating that the intense efforts of their R&D Center team has paid off with this success. Aka also recounted that they were honored to see Cemre Avşar, one of the specialists of Toros Agri R&D Center, win the award, and said: “The success of Cemre Avşar, who has authored other studies on the recycling and evaluation of industrial wastes within the framework of the Green Deal concept, green ammonia, an alternative energy source with zero-carbon emission to fossil fuels, and the use of new generation nano-materials as an alternative to the phosphate fertilizers used in agriculture published in various international journals, made both Toros Agri R&D Center and our country proud. We would like to thank all our R&D Center employees, especially Cemre Avşar, for their hard work. This award will further encourage us for new projects, articles, achievements, and awards.”

You can read the article that brought Avşar an award at the SHEN International Science, Health and Engineering Awards by clicking this link.