One more new ground from Toros Tarım

Toros Tarım became the first company in Turkey obtaining the “Protect & Sustain” certificate which has been formed by the International Fertilizer association (IFA) on the subjects of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Security of Environment and Product, and Safety , and which has international reputation.

Toros Tarım is continuing its operations in the direction of its purpose of “creating value for all its stakeholders in everywhere it operates in the leadership of its principles of sustainable growth, operational perfectionism and continuous development” that it has adopted with the consciousness of its economic, environmental and social responsibilities.

In this direction, Toros Tarım –beyond the legal legislation- became the first company in Turkey obtaining the “Protect & Sustain” certificate which has been formed by the International Fertilizer association (IFA) on the subjects of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Security of Environment and Product, and Safety , and which certifies conformity to “Product Stewardship” initiative. Thus, Toros Tarım had strengthened its brand value more before all its stakeholders.

Toros Tarım deems as a mission to increase productivity by managing with an integrated perspective the processes in the whole value chain from procurement of raw materials to the land, to ensure security of food and products, to minimize environmental effects, and to create sustainable added value for all its stakeholders by forming productive working conditions while realizing its OHS, Security of Environment and Products, and Safety implementations.

Click for download certificate