Groundbreaking ceremony of Necati Akçağlılar Anatolian High School was made


After Toros Gübre High School, which started education in 1996 and Toros Gübre Primary School, which was built in Ceyhan in1998 with its contributions, Toros Agri now builds school in Tekkeköy, Samsun. The school, carrying the name of Necati Akçağlılar, who was one of the founder partners of Tekfen and whom we lost last year, will have 24 classrooms and will be in the status of Anatolian High School.

The groundbreaking ceremony of Necati Akçağlılar Anatolian High School was realized on June 25th with the participation of Samsun Governor, Tekkeköy District Governor, National Education Samsun Provincial Director and hundreds of residents from Tekkeköy. Speaking at the ceremony, Toros Agri CEO Ms. Esin Mete said: “When dear Necati Akçağlılar laid the foundations of Toros Agri in 1970s, he aimed not only to establish a factory to produce fertilizer, but also to establish a company which will support the Turkish agriculture, raise the farmers’ awareness in modern agriculture implementations, reinforce the community in the region both by way of employment and by some social supportive activities.”

Ms. Mete, stating that, beside the occupational trainings, Toros Agri also regards it as one of the top priority issues to provide the students with better educational conditions in the regions where it displays activity, and she noted that Toros Gübre High School and Toros Gübre Primary School in Adana are concrete examples of such approach. Ms. Mete, reminding that there is an ongoing construction of a new school in Ceyhan within this framework, said that take pride in laying the foundations of Necati Akçağlılar Anatolian High School and thus taking the efforts of supporting education one step forward.

“If Necati Akçağlılar, whom we lost last year and who was one of the founders of Tekfen Holding and Toros Agri, were among us today and shared our pride and joy here, I am sure he would be very happy. As Toros Tarım management, we regard it as top priority to carry on the principles, values and ideal which he bequeathed to us, and we endeavor to realize the projects to make contribution to society with the inspiration we took from him,” said Ms. Mete in her speech.