Everlasting migration: Agricultural workers

Dec. 30, 2015 

Under the scope of social responsibility, Toros Agri supports different projects to establish better conditions for agricultural labourers by dealing with the problems of the agricultural sector in Turkey. In this context, the Seasonal Agricultural Workers’ Health Development Programme conducted by Harran University in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and implemented with the cooperation of the Ministry of Health was supported by Toros Agri between the years of 2013-2015.

450 million of nearly 1.1 billion agricultural workers is comprised of seasonal agricultural workers in the world. As for Turkey, nearly half of 6.5 million agricultural workers make a living from seasonal agricultural workmanship, which is considered as one of the most risky working areas. Considering the role of agriculture in the national development, eradication of the problems faced by seasonal agricultural workers and hence, their families is a great responsibility toward both the agricultural industry and the humanity. Therefore, increasing their life standards means enhancing the welfare of the entire society.
The difficulties in the working, accommodation and nutrition conditions of the seasonal agricultural workers constituting a significant part of the workforce in the field of agriculture make them face serious health problems. The “Programme on Improvement of the Health of Seasonal Agricultural Workers and their Families” implemented by Harran University and the United Nations Population Fund in order to improve the living conditions of this group was focused on Şanlıurfa and Adıyaman provinces with the highest agricultural out migration rates in Turkey. The program implemented with the contribution of Toros Agri and the cooperation of the Ministry of Health and Şanlıurfa and Adıyaman governor’s offices was targeting to improve the healthcare conditions of the seasonal migrant agricultural workers working under difficult conditions and struggling with poverty and particularly to contribute in prevention of the diseases suffered by this group.

Most of the workers stay in tents made of nylon or clothes in the regions that they migrate to. This situation creates some difficulties in respect of basic requirements and predisposes them to various health problems. Moreover, workers’ deprivation from occupational health and safety while working on the fields in extremely hot and unprotected environments away from clean water that they need and their exposure to agricultural pesticides adversely affect the health conditions. The researches reveal that 80 percent of seasonal agricultural workers throughout Turkey do not have health coverage; and they cannot adequately benefit from healthcare services.

Since the researches conducted under the scope of the programme have demonstrated that lack of education is one of the most important problems of seasonal agricultural workers as well as unhealthy working and living conditions; firstly, a training and information program focusing on health problems was implemented. Training activities were initially started with the subject of the issue, i.e. the workers. A group of female and male seasonal agricultural workers was given training given by Harran University and trained as health agents. Then, various activities were carried out in order to increase the awareness of a wide group extending from workers to healthcare agencies and institutions, and from local managers to religious officials. In addition, “Agricultural Agent Illustrated Health Guide” was prepared and distributed to the agents finding works for agricultural workers, describing their responsibilities and duties falling on their part in prevention of diseases.

As the financial supporter of the project, Toros Agri continued publicity, media planning, and promotion activities for increasing the recognition of the project and sponsored a documentary on seasonal agricultural workers in 2015. The documentary witnessing the 1000 km-journey from Şanlıurfa to Eskişehir taken by Çiftçi family, one of the millions of worker families leaving their houses, schools, and cities in the months of April-May every year. The documentary entitled “Everlasting Migration: Agricultural Workers” broadcast on İZ TV is planned to reach the target audience via local TV channels in 2016.
The Seasonal Agricultural Workers’ Health Development Programme completed in 2015 was transferred to the related ministries as a model pilot project after completion of the related activities.