Esin Mete, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board and General Manager of Toros Agri and Vice President responsible for the Agri-Industry Group of Tekfen Holding, has been appointed as Chairwoman of the Executive Board of Toros Agriand as the CEO for Agri-Industry Group of Tekfen Holding.
Starting her career at Tekfen Construction in 1973, Esin Mete has been working for Toros Gübre since 1980 and has been the General Manager of Toros Gübre, Toros Agri now, since 1991. Mrs. Mete also undertook the position of Vice Presidency Agri-Industry Group Tekfen Holding in 2000 and carries the position of the Vice Presidency of Finance Committee and the member EMG (Executive Management Group) of International Fertilizer Association (IFA) since 20