Toros Agri R&D Center

The company plans to prioritize the development of new products that will contribute to the efficiency of plant nutrition activities thanks to new technologies at the R&D Center, where scientific studies are being conducted in order to meet the needs and requirements of the sector. The company carries out processes related to product development, improvements on existing products and process development at the first R&D Center of the sector approved by the Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology in August 2017.

With the formulation and development activities conducted in the R&D Center, Toros Agri aims to develop its existing product portfolio with new ones that have various properties and would contribute to farmers’ productivity. Efforts are also being carried out at the R&D Center for developing special types of fertilizers, producing products that are otherwise imported, and enhancing the products’ physical and chemical potency, resistance and lifespan. Similarly, developing production processes, achieving optimization and energy conservation during production, and mitigating environmental impact are all among the goals of the R&D Center.


The research laboratory located at the R&D Center has the equipment that allows for the measurement of various parameters including fertilizer analyses. The scientific studies for the new products developed at the center are planned to be made at the R&D Greenhouse – for which investments have been completed – to be built at the Mersin Production Facility. The greenhouse is expected to become operational in the first half of 2020.




Toros Agri’s R&D Center cooperates with universities in accordance with its specified goals, and offers its staff members scheduled trainings held by expert academics.

Toros Agri supports the TÜBİTAK 2233 Industry PhD Program, which – as part pf the 2023 goals of our country – aims to raise sought-after, PhD-holding qualified experts through cooperation between universities and the industry, encourage the recruitment of PhD-holding researchers in the industry, and developing research infrastructure-industry cooperation. Toros Agri has contributed to the program with two different projects.

Toros Agri R&D Center was awarded grants for two projects as part of TÜBİTAK’s 2244 Industrial PhD Program Call in 2018.

With the new TÜBİTAK 2019 call this year, 188 projects out of a total of 330 that applied to TÜBİTAK received a grant. In the 2019 call, Toros Agri was awarded a grant on a project it plans to carry out in cooperation with Mersin University. Intending to further enhance such efforts – which began in 2018 – with other collaborations, Toros Agri will also have contributed to the academic development of 9 PhD students much needed in the industry thanks to the three projects for which it received grants.

In 2019, Toros Agri began participating in the InoSuit Program, which was created to create a corporate innovation culture, ensure innovative projects are developed systematically, and enhance innovation capacity in a sustainable manner. Studies and efforts carried out by Toros Agri – Mersin Technoscope – TIM are coordinated at Toros Agri R&D Center.


Toros Agri R&D Center cooperates with universities, contributes to many international project proposals and assumes active roles in projects as part of its engagement with Horizon 2020, the world’s largest non-governmental research program created at the European Union for the purpose of supporting innovation.

Toros Agri R&D Center also contributes to plant nutrition and the field of agriculture at large through several international academic publications.




1- A novel industrial-scale strategy to prevent degradation and caking of ammonium nitrate- Heliyon-4(2020)e03628,

2- Development of a new ammonium nitrate composition: an attempt to prevent misuse of explosives for antisocial activities, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 43:1, 101-110, DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2019.1676650
Click for the article

3-Effect of Silicate, Carbonate, Calcium Lignosulphonate, and Silicic Acid Additives on Degradation of Ammonium Nitrate on an Industrial Scale-Kemija u industriji-Journal of Chemists and Chemical Engineers 69(3-4), DOI: 10.15255/KUI.2019.027
Click for the article

4-Effects of Ammonium Thiosulfate and Guanyl Thiourea as Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Inhibitors on Fertilization and Plants-Chem Rev Lett 2 (2019) 84-89, Chemical Review and Letters
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5-Downgrading of Detonation Properties of Ammonium Nitrate Using Calcium Carbonate, Dolomite, and Fly Ash, August 2019, Science and Technology of Energetic Materials
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6-Gezerman, A. O., & Çorbacıoğlu, B. D. (2018). Assessment of the Chemical Precipitation Process as a New Approach for Industrial Emission Abatement Systems: Assessment of the Chemical Precipitation Process. In A. Gezerman, B. Corbacioglu, & B. Gurjar (Eds.), Effective Solutions to Pollution Mitigation for Public Welfare (pp. 30-43). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3379-5.ch003
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7-Gezerman, A. O., & Çorbacioglu, B. D. (2017). DETONATION PROPERTIES OF AMMONIUM NITRATE CONTAINING CALCIUM CARBONATE, DOLOMITE, AND FLY ASH. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 16(4)
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8-Gezerman, A. O. (2017). A new chemical approach for preventing the anti-social use of ammonium nitrate. European Journal of Chemistry, 8(3), 211-217

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