Specialty Fertilizers

Plants, like all other living creatures, have to get some elements from their habitat, that is, soil and the atmosphere, in order to grow, develop and produce the products other living creatures need.

When the soil is not rich enough in the nutrition required by the plants to grow, the lacking elements are provided for the soil by fertilizers.

Our specialty fertilizers are the fertilizers diversified to get high yield and high quality product by providing plant nutrition for the soil either via foliar application or directly to the soil and that does not cause any blockage in the modern irrigation systems and thus provides effective use.



Soilmaster NPK series is a homogenous mixture of raw materials formulated according to the latest technologies.



Torosol NPK series is a homogenous mixture of raw materials formulated according to the latest technologies.

6 different formulations listed in the Torosol NPK series are formulated so as to ideally meet the necessary nutrients for any kind of plantations.



The GreenFeed NPK series is produced from a homogeneous mixture of raw materials produced with the latest technology. Five different formulations in the GreenFeed NPK range have been formulated to meet the ideal and necessary nutritional needs of each aquaculture species.



The NutriActive NPK series is produced from a homogeneous mixture of raw materials produced with the latest technology. Five different formulations in the NutriActive NPK range have been formulated to meet the ideal and necessary nutritional needs of each aquaculture species.



Solupotasse is a soluble fertilizer (0-0-50 + 18 S) containing potassium sulfate. Its formula is K2SO4. It has 50% potassium from K2O and 18% sulfur from SO4.

Solupotasse is a fertilizer that may be given via sprinklers especially during winter so as to make plants resistant to cold weather due to its high percentage of potassium and lack of nitrogen.

MKP (Mono Potassium Phosphate)

MKP (Mono Potassium Phosphate)

MKP (0-52-34) is the fertilizer, which contains highest amount of major elements, among other soluble fertilizers. Its formula is KH2PO4.

As it contains no nitrogen, it is appropriate for plants that require intensive use of fertilizers. MKP fertilize can be the most suitable source of potassium and phosphorus when nitrogen use is contradictory.

MKP (Mono Potassium Phosphate)
MAP (Mono Ammonium Phosphate)

MAP (Mono Ammonium Phosphate)

MAP (12-61-0) is a water soluble fertilizer. Its chemical formula is ammonium di-hydrogen phosphate (NH4H2PO4); it contains 12% N (nitrogen) and 61% P2O5 (phosphate).

This fertilizer has the highest phosphorous content among others, which contain phosphorous. Due to its low nitrogen content this is the most appropriate way of supplying phosphorous to plants.

MAP (Mono Ammonium Phosphate)


Maxitor NPK series is a homogenous mixture of raw materials formulated according to the latest technologies.

3 different formulations listed in the Maxitor NPK series are formulated so as to ideally meet the necessary nutrients for any kind of plantations.

Smart N 21

Smart N 21

Due to below given reasons, losses of nitrogen occur in fertilizers (such as UREA. AS, AN, CAN) in gaseous forms (NH3– NO2 – NO- N2) or in solution forms (NO3) when washed with water.

When fertilizer is applied to the soil, ammonium in the fertilizer is converted to nitrates via enzymatic reactions undertaken by bacteria in soil. To prevent such losses of nitrogen, coating materials (organic and inorganic substances) and inhibitors against bacterial reactions may be utilized. Such losses of nitrogen may also occur in composite fertilizers or double nutrient (MAP-DAP) fertilizers containing nitrogen in the form of urea or ammonium.

Smart N 21
Acti Ferro

Acti Ferro

Soils of our country have certain mineral deficiencies and one of the most deficient elements is iron.

Deficiency of iron is not due to lack of it in soil but due to high pH values and high content of lime. When the soil has high pH values or high lime content, iron forms insoluble compounds. Consequently, it cannot be absorbed by plants.

Acti Ferro
Acti Micro

Acti Micro

This fertilizer is a chemical mixture of essential trace elements needed by plants.

Deficiencies of Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum and Zinc, ingredients of this mixture, cause problems in plant growth since all of these minerals are vital for growth of plants. Importance of these elements is indicated below:

Acti Micro
Acti Zinc

Acti Zinc

Soils in our country have high pH values and high levels of lime content. In such soils, zinc content is generally low.

In acidic soils, which are washed with high levels of precipitation, deficiency of zinc is frequently seen. Although the need of plants for zinc is comparably low, deficiency of zinc is a condition, frequently encountered.

Acti Zinc
Magnesium Nitrate

Magnesium Nitrate

Magnisal fertilizer (Magnesium Nitrate – (Mg(NO3)2 . 6H2O) is a soluble, pure and crystal fertilizer that is very effective for covering magnesium deficiencies in plants.

It contains 15% MgO (9.5% Mg) and 11% nitrogen originating from nitrate. As nitrate facilitates absorption of magnesium, Magnisal is a good magnesium transporter.

Magnesium Nitrate
Magnesium Sulphate

Magnesium Sulphate

Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4 . 7H2O) fertilizer is formed of water soluble, pure and crystal particles so as to cover magnesium deficiencies in your plants.

It contains 15% MgO and 28% SO3. As it is water soluble it can be applied via sprinklers or on leaves. Chemical and physical properties of magnesium sulfate are given below.

Magnesium Sulphate

Potassium Nitrate Cristal

Potassium Nitrate is a soluble fertilizer. 13% nitrogen it contains can easily be absorbed by plants and is in the form of nitrate that is the preferred origin of nitrogen (NO3) for use in agriculture.

The fertilizer also contains %46 K2O, which is soluble and easily absorbed by plants.

Potassium Nitrate Cristal


K_Leaf (0-0-52 + 18 S) is a soluble potassium sulfate fertilizer given so as to overcome potassium deficiency in plantations. Its formula is K2SO4.

It contains 52% potassium (K2O) and 18% sulfur (S) (56% SO4). As it is soluble in water, it can be applied via leaves or sprinklers. Physical and chemical properties K_Leaf fertilizer is given below.

Potassium Nitrate Low Ph

Potassium Nitrate Low Ph

This fertilizer lowers the pH value of water in watering system when it is dissolved in it and it is highly soluble; therefore it is a preferred type of potassium nitrate.

13% nitrogen it contains can easily be absorbed by plants and is in the form of nitrate that is the preferred origin of nitrogen (NO3) for use in agriculture.

Potassium Nitrate Low Ph
Ure Phosphate

Ure Phosphate

This is a kind of water soluble crystal structured fertilizer (H3PO4CO(NH2)2) used for phosphorus deficiency in plants. It contains 17,5 % urea (NH2) and 44% phosphorus (H3PO4).

As it is soluble in water it can easily be applied by a sprinkler. Physical and chemical properties of urea phosphate fertilizer are given below.

Ure Phosphate
Low Biuret Ure

Low Biuret Ure

This is a kind of water soluble fertilizer with low biuret urea (46% Nitrogen) content used for nitrogen deficiency in plants.

Its formula is CO(NH2)2. It contains 46% urea nitrogen. As it is soluble in water it can easily be applied by a sprinkler or via leaves. Physical and chemical properties of low biuret urea fertilizer are given below.

Low Biuret Ure

Calcium Nitrate

Calcium Nitrate is a white granular soluble fertilizer that has two kinds of nutrients and that is easily absorbed by the plant.

It contains 15,5% nitrogen (N) and 26,5% calcium oxide (CaO). 14% of nitrogen originates from nitrate (NO3) and 15% of nitrogen originates from ammonium (NH4). Calcium oxide that is completely soluble in water contains 19% calcium (Ca).

Calcium Nitrate

Potassium Nitrat Pril

Potassium Nitrate (13-0-46) is a type of productivity and quality increasing fertilizer that contains two major nutrients of plants.

It contains nitrogen (13%) and potassium (46%). All the nitrogen it contains originates from nitrates (NO3) and can be easily absorbed by plants.

Potassium Nitrat Pril